
Migration of Bhutanese

Dasho Karma Ura
President Centre of Bhutan & GNH Studies

Dasho Karma Ura will share his insights on the recent trend of Bhutanese emigration, especially to Australia, and its implications for Bhutan’s development, culture, and identity. He also discusses the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH), Bhutan’s home-grown development philosophy, and how it relates to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dasho Karma Ura will be connected online from Hamburg, where he is for a Sabbatical at “The New Institute” (

Dasho Karma Ura is a renowned scholar, writer, and artist, who has contributed to various fields of Bhutanese studies, such as history, religion, literature, and politics. He was a member of the Drafting Committee of Bhutan’s first Constitution. He has written several books and articles on Bhutan and has been a visiting fellow in various universities, including Oxford.

We hope you will enjoy this talk and learn more about Bhutan, its unique approach to development and happiness and its present challenging situation.

Die Gesellschaft Schweiz – Bhutan wurde im Jahr 2000 gegründet und bezweckt die Förderung von sozialen, wohltätigen, ökologischen, kulturellen und weiteren philanthropischen Projekten mit ihrer Schwesterorganisation Bhutan – Switzerland Society in Bhutan. Präsident ist Claudio Zingg.

Der Anlass ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Society Switzerland-Bhutan mit dem Songtsen House. Anschliessend laden wir zu einem Apéro ein.

Nächste Termine

Eintritt frei, Kollekte zugunsten der Vereine / Free admission, contributions welcome
